Mentorship & Technical Assistance Program Overview

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Launching June 1, 2024

Click Below to Watch a Recording from Previous Info Session

Insurance Questions?

For consultants working under this program as contractors, General Liability Insurance and Professional Liability Insurance are required.

A pool of 2,400 virtual, one-to-one mentorship, consulting, and technical assistance hours will be available to WA State Social Equity Applicants (defined in RCW 43.330.540) and Title Certificate Holders beginning June 1, 2024.

A minimum of 32 hours of technical assistance/consulting will initially be reserved for each qualifying business. Starting September 1, the additional 960 hours will be allocated as needed. Hours must be used between June 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025 (or until all 2,400 hours are used by Social Equity Applicants), whichever comes first.

We are currently seeking mentors/consultants who specialize in the areas of retail cannabis, cannabis law, commercial real estate, purchasing, inventory, cannabis retail operations, security, human resources, and information technology. Please review the Eligibility Criteria below, and if you’re interested, please watch one of our recorded information sessions and consider applying below. Note that our primary application period closed on April 30, 2024, but we are still accepting applications on a rolling basis.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Per WA State Department of Commerce, Mentor Applicants must not be a Social Equity Applicant due to potential conflict of interests, and

  • Mentorship Needs and Expectations Contractors applying to be Mentors should have:
    • Knowledge and experience demonstrating their ability to effectively advise in navigating the state’s licensing and regulatory framework, or
    • on producing and processing cannabis,
    • or knowledge regarding the professional business needs and topics recommended by The Social Equity In Cannabis Task Force as follows:
      • General Business Development ° Branding ° Business Structure: LLC, C-Corp ° Financing ° Financial Modeling ° Inventory ° Raising Capital ° Social Equity Planning ° Other
      • Rules & Regulations ° Legal ° Real - Estate ° Security ° Taxes ° Traceability ° Other ° Washington Administrative Codes (WAC) Additionally, Commerce will prioritize Contractors who have a deep basis of understanding in issues regarding social equity and/or cannabis prohibition to assist in fostering strong relationships with mentees based on a greater understanding of their lived experiences.

If you meet the criteria specified, please apply below.

Our primary application period closed on April 30, 2024 and those applicants who applied by April 30 are being prioritized for hiring. However, we are still accepting consultant applications on a rolling basis.

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(425) 224-6137 call/text

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